The Samurai Vtuber

The Tale of Goronyanya

In the 18th century I made a deal with the devil himself. To protect my family, my people, my country from harm I sold my body and soul into neverending slavery. The devil wasn't kidding. Immortality was a cruel and unwanted gift. As I was able to protect what was dear to me, in due time, I lost everything. My comrades, family and even the country I tried to protect vanished in front of my eyes with the seasons changing rigorously. But I ? I neither aged nor died. The devils grip on me lessened when I saw the era of the Samurai, the very thing I sold my soul to protect, crumble to ashes in front of my own eyes. Ironic isn't it. This is when I decided to live in exile. Searching for ways to end my insufferable existence. For many decades I solemnly existed. This is when I met you. A foreigner kid. Just as lost in this land as myself in this world.
I've recognised the longing for home in your eyes. I felt it in the remainder of my soul. I managed to put myself together and approched you. You were scared, eyes lingered on the katana I used to wear proudly on my waist. The sword that shared all the bloodsheded sins of mine. Of course a little one would be scared. I smiled encouragingly and asked "Where do you belong?" You shook your head unknowingly. "It's okay, You are safe with me." I meant it. I put a hand on my waist. "This is only for protection. I'll make sure you'll get home safe. I promise on my honor as a Samurai." Eyes widened in surprise "Samurai?", you asked in disbelief.
While we searched for a place we could call home, we travelled far and wide, across lands unseen and exchanged stories of our different worlds. I always stayed by your side. And on the day you died you made me promise. "Be the Samurai who protects the people even in this era you'll find a way to be needed"